Prof. Ashok Gangadean and Rupert Sheldrake challenged some of humanities age-old assumptions in a fascinating talk recently at Haverford College Philadelphia, USA.
Jonni Pollard was invited as an honorary guest to hear 1 Giant Mind supporter Rupert Sheldrake – author of the newly released ‘Science Set Free’ – and renowned philosopher, Prof. Ashok Gangedean, in a profoundly eloquent discussion entitled ‘Making Sense Of Our Great Evolutionary Shift.’

Each brought a very unique and complimentary perspective to the floor that had the full house completely engaged from start to finish. You could have heard a pin drop!
Ashok set the tone with a compelling insight into the most fundamental challenge humanity faces right now; recognising (and living) the understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. He spoke about the imperative for us to move beyond what he refers to as (Monologue) into a new social paradigm he calls (Dialogue).
Sheldrake spoke on the topics he reveals in his new book ‘Science Set Free’ which challenge the fundamental dogmas of science. He paints an exciting picture for the potential to move beyond many assumptions science has made about the nature of reality, into a new time of embracing breakthrough scientific research and emerging knowledge. His presentation was deeply provocative and inspirational.

The discussion continued off-stage with many powerful exchanges, of which 1 Giant Mind was a feature.
We feel very fortunate to have these 2 brilliant men as allies of 1 Giant Mind and look forward to many wonderful future discussions and thought symposiums.
Watch Rupert’s banned TED Talk on ‘The Science Delusion’ or his full lecture.
Photo credits: Alex Lowy